Thesis Title 'Robust Football Tracking in Video'
Hello everyone, i'm Muhamad Ikhtiaruddin. I'm doing my thesis title this year about Robust Football Tracking in Video. So i decide to make a blog in order to check my self about my thesis progress. Anything about my progress doing this project i will post it here. So anyone that have a good programming skill are welcome to help me, and i really need those help anyway.
Supervisor : Zatul Saliza Binti Saleh
Code: ZS01
Title: Robust Football Tracking in Video
Objective: To locate and track football
In televised soccer matches, the football is usually the centre of attention. Various types of personalisation, summarisation and packaging of televised soccer require that the football be located, and where possible, tracked through the video frames. You are expected to do preliminary work on football location and tracking. The approach is based on colour and region analysis of the content of video frames in a context-specific manner and there is scope for extending this approach to frequency information available in the encoded MPEG-1 video stream and to motion analysis over time. At the end of this project you will have learned loads about MPEG-1 and digital video analysis and will have sharpened your software development skills.
nice. nanti upload la video results.